One of the most heated topics in our marriage has been the topic of Disneyland. Mr. Man believes in carrying out his family tradition of going on your 5th birthday, and I believe that you should get passes every other year while you live 10 flipping minutes from Disneyland and go often and in short spurts.
We have graciously found a compromise... we went as a family for one entire day, and I will get passes and take the wee ones often from this point on.

One of the perks of living in Southern California... unless it's July or August... the weather is a given. High between 65-75, cooler at night, it's a no brainer. Apparently, last Thursday was an exception, because it poured rain off and on, and there was this bone chilling wind along with thunder and lightening.
All would have been well, except we were not prepared, and we kept saying.. One more ride and then let's go home... (and because of my brilliant annual pass move, we could just DO THAT, go home when the fun train stopped....)
We learned a lot about our family....

AK is a daredevil and totally laughed on the Matterhorn

Mr. Boy.... uh.. not so much

Also... Mr. Boy did not like Star Tours, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, the Roger Rabbit Ride, and definitely didn't like Pinnochio

Also, Mr. Man, gets ill if the rides are too twirly... which is a big bummer.

The Jungle Cruise was a BIG HIT, we did that FOUR times!

Which meant enduring the same jokes... FOUR times

And Mr. Boy is fascinated by the sight of his favorite animal..ELEPHANTS! (which he called Ell-Oats the first 4 years of his life) Mr. Man spied my camera and made his favorite face... yeah.. he's a keeper.

Autopia was ALSO a huge hit. Since there are several Disney Execs reading my blog, can I pass on some suggestions? a.) make the line go FASTER, seriously, open MORE lanes b.) wouldn't it be great if you had made these into "Pixar Cars"? c.) wouldn't it be awesome if they weren't awful smelling lawnmower engines? I expect to be compensated for my brillance.
The Carousel is beautiful and it was DRY, so we rode that a lot. Mr. Boy favored the "Mary Poppins Horse" (Julie Andrews horse). AK loved all of the horses and shouted "go fast please!"

Mr. Boy did just fine on Thunder Mountain...

Dumbo was fine, but in the middle of a downpour.

And it's about this time, that I've decided I wanted off the fun train, and climb into my own nice warm bed. The rain has even made my bum appear swollen.....

We bumped into AK's favorite "Rella"aka Cinderella during the rainy day parade, and Mr. Boy spotted his favorite lady of all time, Mary Poppins, who waved especially to him.

These guys wanted to ride Autopia one more time, so we did. And I threaten Mr. Man, that at his funeral, I'm not going to have any decent pictures of him, so I'm going to have to blow one up of his "I'm being so funny" faces and put that next to his casket. And people who don't know him very well, will actually think that something was wrong with him and that was HIS REAL SMILE.

Autopia at night is totally different than in the daytime.

Then we got on the tram, and when Mr. Boy realized that was our last "ride" of the evening he exclaimed, "Thats JUST how I wanted it to end!" *note the Lilo and Stitch flashy-spinny toy, what is UP with those, and why does every kid want to have one at $14.95 a pop, seriously....*

And by the time we got home AK was still chattering up a storm, but Mr. Boy... he was just tuckered out.
can you change mr. man's name to mr. drunk and mr. boy's name to mr. wuss?
AK should be called daredevil-rockstar-of-all-time.
thank you.
this is the perfect, real-life disneyland post! and YES!! can they please do something about the autopia lines?? my kids love that stupid ride, and *I* love to avoid it at all costs! you could end up spending a whole friggin' day in that line... grrr....
looks like the trip was a smash hit! yay!!! :)
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