Monday, February 19, 2007

This is NOT normal!

Nathan has some funky stomach thing going on. He hasn't been eating much, and check out this GIANT belly!!

Friday, February 02, 2007

So.. I was wrong.. I'm not ancient....

My birthday was fabulous.

We went to Rainforest Cafe with the kids, played poker with some friends. I shopped and bought some fabulous things.

This is Amanda's first ride on the carousel at South Coast Plaza. Nathan insisted I ride too, and sit on the dragon bench.

I'm totally having hair envy. I see all these cute baby girls with long locks and bows. I'm determined to slip a bow in her fuzz by next week.

So.. 30 really is the new 20. I'm a total believer now. I will have to say this week, I was at a doctor's appointment and the doctor said, "Well, the reality is your 30...."And I interrupted with.. Uh.. I'm BARELY 30. Anyway.. those words stung a bit.