Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pitying the fool, that would be me.

All during Tax Season I keep a notebook handy and jot down all the little things I want to do when it's over.   It's mostly house projects or outings and once tax season ends I have about 5 weeks while my kids are in school to indulge in my list before we go into Ultimate Super Mega Summer Mode.

After a quick family trip, I got super sick and recovery has been slow. In the meantime the universe has been kicking my rear.  I have whined and complained and thrown tantrums that involve phrases such as, "Ugh!  I just want to hem my curtains and paint my chair!"   It's all really silly, and I know that life happens and things don't always go according to plan.   I haven't really been coping with that concept the last few weeks.  
Cars break down, kids get sick, pipes break, but at the end of the day, my family is safe and sound.   After weeks like these, I just want to say, "Woe is me" for the dumbest of reasons.  But then I look at the pictures I've taken over the last few "terrible weeks" and I see...
A young puppy who is full of joy
A little girl who stops dead in her tracks and says, "Mom!!  Look these flowers are so pretty."
And still believes that she really does have superpowers.
 I am grateful that I take lots of photos, because it helps me see the beautiful things in my every day life.  I really am the luckiest girl and have a very charmed life. Eventually the curtains did get hemmed, and while I was at it, I taught Miss AK how to sew too. It was a lot more satisfying helping her sew a small purse, than it was checking one more item off my to do list. 
Over the last few weeks, I've taken this boy to nine different doctor appointments.  The upside was we got to spend lots of one and one time, and this boy, makes me laugh like no one else.   He contracted a rare virus and while he recovers we got to do lots of this. 

And really who can complain about life like this?  Tell me, am I the only one who gets wrapped up in my own pity party? 

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