Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I WON!! I WON!!! I WON!!!!

I've NEVER won anything in my life. But every summer I test a theory that if you enter a contest everyday you will win. So far, my theory has failed for 8 summers.... that is... until now.

I won the Gatorade Contest. Not the grand prize, but I was a runner up. WAHOO!! It doesn't matter what the prize is, it's just knowing that I am a winner deep down inside.

Well, if you insist, I'll post a picture of the prize. It's ENORMOUS and I'm not sure it will make me more popular other than I can fit a small family in it. I watched the UPS man struggle with it as he carried it to the door. It's MONSTEROUS!!

*Large Labrador not included, just used to show scale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! You've got the dog there for size. Works though cuz I've seen the dog and can really tell that the cooler is quite large!

Yippee for you. I'm trying to imagine entering a contest a day. You must be busy!! You're bound to win again. The summer isn't over!