Thursday, August 07, 2008

Vacation Bible School.. aka VBS for those in the know..

A few weeks ago the kiddos attended Vacation Bible School through their school. They wanted to go and when I realized that I would have 5 consecutive nights kid free I decided it was the best thing ever. They had a Pirate theme for the entire week, and went all out with costumes and performances. The parents joined in the last 5 minutes as they recapped the scripture, bible story, and theme for the night. I was listening to the pastor tell a story that I was unfamiliar with. The pastor said, "And do you know who came?" All of sudden, Mr. Boy starts waving both hands in the air yelling "MOSES!!" as though he was answering a Ten Million Dollar Question. The kids.. pointing.. at something interesting and VBS related...
When Mr. Boy attended his first "chapel time" at this school, we came home and put on a movie. When I turned it on for him, he threw his hands up in the air and said, "Praise Jesus!" He did it for everything all week. I learned that he was told to give Praise everytime something good happened to him. He praised his lunch, a movie, his toys, the animals at the zoo for being awake. It eventually died down and went away. It was endearing to realize all the small miracles he gave thanks for during the day.


Tammy said...

so fun! it would be an interesting experiment to "praise Jesus" every time i was thankful for something and see how often i said it. thanks mr. boy for the idea!

Cimblog (tm) said...

I'm still DYING for the "Praise Jesus!"

Anonymous said...

THERE ARE PIRATES IN THE BIBLE?!?? Dude. I totally missed that part.