Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Episode IV: A New Hope for the kids to sit at the Cool Kids Table

I believe that the children are our future....
and I'm pretty sure it means that means in our future, the ladies will be wearing long white robes and rocking the cinnamon roll side buns. Fashion in the future should make  things pretty easy to discern who is evil, because they will be wearing a black cape. 
Star Wars fever is alive and well in our house.  Even Mr. Man has it and is drooling at the thought of picking up this:
Genius idea Mr. Lucas!  It's AV Geek meets Star Wars Nerd to produce the most exciting invention of all time. (Next to Star Wars Legos!) 

Last night as I checked on the kids before retiring for the night, I realized my kids have little hope for popularity with parents like us.  Which lead me to my scientific finding....  Nerdery isn't s biological condition, but a learned one.  Sorry kids...  but at least you'll always have someone to battle light sabers with!


earlfam said...

I walked into the room last week and Brent was watching the History Channel. The program was called Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed and the first thing I heard was a serious discussion of certain parallels between Star Wars and the Iliad. My comment to Brent "should we call Sarah in? Is her not-quite-15-year-old heart capable of containing that much joy? Or should we wait and buy her the DVD for Christmas?"

She knows Star Wars is nerdy. She wears her nerd badge with pride. But I'm seriously not sure where it came from.....

Kerry McKibbins said...

I'm sorry to tell you, but the Star Wars years go on FOREVE, lol!!!!