Thursday, October 11, 2012

One of those crazy sports parents...

Oh this blasted football, I have such a love hate relationship with the sport. Mr. Boy loves it, and even worse he is great at it, but flag football, leads to tackle football and I don't know if I can do that. I can barely handle flag football because every time they hitchhike* the ball, they plow into each other. Some of the teams are more physical than others and when a kid gets hurt we (the parents) have strict instructions not to run in the field. The rule is to let the coaches assess first, and it takes all my might and strength not to run on the field when Mr. Boy gets hurt.

One particular game, the other team wasn't playing very nice and were tossing our kids to the ground.   It's flag football so that isn't allowed and the dumb refs weren't even calling it.  After a kid got tackled right at the ref's feet, I felt that low growl of a mama bear rising from within.   Next thing I know, I've ordered AK to hold my earrings and I'm storming out on the field. 
Before I really can even register what is happening, I'm out on the field wagging my finger in the ref's face and telling him how to do his job. It was almost like an out of body experience and suddenly I realize... "Oh no.. I'm one of those crazy parents!"   
Pretty soon,  I'm being guided off the field by the coach and told to settle down. (All while suddenly becoming aware that everyone has their cell phones aimed in my direction, I'm sure there is a YouTube video of it somewhere.)  I'm mortified and can't figure out how I've become one of those crazy sports parents.  Somehow my car has lawn chairs in the trunk at all times for sitting on the sidelines, Gatorade is a staple in my fridge, and I have a color coded calender for different sports.  Although... now my lawn chairs have a seatbelt, to discourage me from jumping out of my chair to yell at the refs...      

*FYI - I'm aware the technical term is "hike the ball", but up until two weeks ago, I thought the term was "hitchhike the ball". 


gena said...

LOL ! My youngest is a futbol ref and he deals with "your kind" every day!!!!! As a mommy, boy do I get it - as the mommy of the ref now, I'm glad soccer gives out red cards!!!!!

Thanks for the giggles,


Glennard said...

Haha! I love this more than I can tell. The mama bear is so real inside... I've fallen victim to it many a time... and only feel slight regret about it :). This is Kristen, btw... don't know how I am logged into Glenn's account- lest he die that I post something accusing him of an inner mama bear!

Cimblog (tm) said...

It looks like you should have waited about 10 seconds longer. He's got a flag he's throwing...unless of course that's on YOU!

Kristen said...

Oh my gosh! I am SO HAPPY that someone got photos of you! I love it! My favorite is that you handed off your earrings first!!!

Susie said...

Hilarious! Thanks for the smile.