Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yes gets Down & Dirty, Where does Yes take you, Part 3

Part of an ongoing project called, "The Yes Project", where I resolve to say YES more to opportunities that come my way.  Click here to see the other posts.

My friend Hillary called me during February and said, "Hey let's do a mud run in 2 months!" When I started to balk at the idea, she said, "Just say YES!" and so I did.  I didn't quite comprehend that I would have to train during tax season.   To say I was unprepared was an understatement.   I had felt a chest cold coming on the day before and neglected to read the course map.  I had no idea that we would be running 17 kilometers of our 5k uphill.  (Maybe it was more like 2.6 kilometers uphill.)  It definitely made me reevaluate whether or not this race was a good idea somewhere around the 2 kilometer mark. 

Before I left home, I was inspired by these little love notes on my computer from Mr. Man. 
 This mud run consisted of a 5k with Military-style obstacles interspersed.  We scaled walls, army crawled through tunnels, did push ups, and crawled through mud pits.  Here we are prior to the race, optimistic, and full of life.
There were moments during the race where I thought, "I paid to torture myself, what was I thinking?"  But, I am also amazed at how incredible our bodies are and grateful that our bodies do these crazy things. 
 There is nothing in the world like crossing that finish line. 
 We came, we ran, we conquered and had the time of our life!
I am so glad that I said yes, and I will definitely say yes to doing it next year!


Maxmomma said...

Dear Wendy... so love you. Love that you did this!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! And now you can justify that outside shower too. You did use that outside shower, right? ;-)


Brooke said...

You rock :)

laura said...

you're just like the RHOOC!! :D way to go girl!