Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Chick Fest 2009

I like to keep my life pretty compartmentalized, right down to my friends. These are "The Chicks". We live all over the nation, but manage to get together every once in a while. Thanks to the modern miracle called the Internet we get to chat often. There is usually hijinks and hilarity involved and it's like an episode of Beavis and Butthead meets Sex in the City.
And just like all my friends, they have nicknames to... adding further insult to the fact that I only have the nickname of Pee Pee bestowed on me by Stef, after I begged for a nickname. From left to right: Bubele, Bling, Mo, K, Yaki, & Tingle. Missing from the pic is: Kerrtucky, Michelley, & Bay (who lives by me, and is a real pal, I even let her mix into other compartments of my life! She has no idea how lucky or rare that is.)

We got together for a fundraising event that one of "the chicks" was organizing. It was a scrapbooking event. Did you just fall over? Yeah, I totally went to a scrapbook event... and I even have my own rolly-tote, thanks to Mr. Man. However, I basically just waved deco scissors in the air and pretended that I was working on a masterpiece. But I looked good and super officially doing it..
We also got together at Disneyland and I brought along the Jr. chick. And without her pesky brother, she got to go on the scary rides that he won't go on.
And Mo sent home Mickey Mouse cupcakes for the kiddos. They inhaled them. I still crack up that Mr. Boy closes his eyes when he eats really good food. It is like he savors every bite so much he has to shut off his other senses. He might have some potential to be a food connoisseur.


Tammy said...

love love love your coat! where did you get it? you are so lucky to have so many great friends. i have always wanted a nickname too. maybe you and i can work on each others 'cause to be honest...pee pee is just not fabulous enough for you!

~Anna~ said...

Bubele? :-O I can think of a few people that wouldn't call me sweet... But hey, I'll take sweet over sour anyday! :-*

It was such a fun night. I think this was post Air Bonehead, no? I think the fumes from that were starting to rot my brain at this point.

I seriously need a 5 X7 of this picture. No kidding. I really want one. Its a great picture of each one of us.

**MIGNONNE** said...

Hey I know some of those ladies. How awesome!