Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's a Festivus Miracle...

Mr. Man went to a client's holiday party. They had a white elephant gift exchange..... Mr. Man brought home this. It's a 6 and a half pound can of the worlds GREATEST food.... hominey.. YUM. I grew up on this, love it, it's nectar of the Gods..... and Mr. Man thinks it is vile and wretched.

When he told me about the white elephant gift exchange and then unveiled his prize... I exclaimed, "That's no white elephant gift, it's a Festivus Miracle"


Brooke said...
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earlfam said...

It so funny, I remember you eating hominy and thinking it was so strange!

earlfam said...

It so funny, I remember you eating hominy and thinking it was so strange!

christina said...

Festivus Miracle! how wonderful.