Thursday, February 09, 2012

Giving Thanks for Puppy Kisses

Sweet Zoey is no longer puppy sized anymore.  She still behaves like a puppy and destroys whatever might be in her path.  Zoey gave Chelsey Handler's new book 1 star for taste, but 3 stars for holding her interest. 
She still rides in the front seat as if she were only 10 pounds.  She likes to wear a hat, which makes people do double takes because they think it's a human at first. Okay, maybe the kids like for her to wear a hat.
Mr. Man and the kids are begging for a second dog, because "that's all we ever known!"  And when I look in these eyes, I can't help but think... Ok let's get one more. Zoey has been the best thing to happen to this family.  Every single day I give thanks for her sweet and gentle nature, and her ability to love so unconditionally.
She also took good notes from Skoopi on how to be a good dog.  I can't help but smile as I watch her attentively keep an eye on the kids everywhere we go. She knows they are her "job" 
I know she is just a dog, and it may seem silly, but I am totally smitten.   Sometimes I wonder if Sandy and Skoopi are whispering in her ear... "Love the boy, he needs your love.   Be patient with the little girl, and watch over her.  Mr. Man needs to be greeted with enthusiasm when he comes home, work has been hard for him today. Nudge the woman, she needs you to remind her to pause and spread some love."   Am I crazy to think this?


Cindy said...

Gah. You're makin' me cry! Love that you have a sweet puppy taking care of you and yours.

... said...

I vote no. Not crazy at all.