Then an actual conversation that we had:
N: Ooo look at the one with the Shark mouth. Get that one.
W: *looking at the steep $40 price tag* Uh, I don't know... Let's get the Beginner Slip'n'Slide.
N: Can we get the Shark one later?
W: Maybe, it depends on how good you get at your Slip'n'Slide skills. If you're really good at it, we can upgrade.
N: I'm gonna practice a lot, and become a Professional at the Slippery Slide.
(where on earth did he learn to use the term Professional?)
And here is Nathan, who surprisingly, was a natural at the Slip'n'Slide.
Eventually, she did forgive us. Here she is trying to teach Skoopi to talk on the phone. Which incidentally, while all the Slip'n'Slide action was going on... Ross was over in the garden poking around. He kept telling me, "it's nothing". Turns out he was chasing a mouse. I DO NOT DO MICE. Turns out it was a mouse family. Skoopi, seen below is apparently an avid hunter, because she caught several of them and brought them to Sandy, who then guarded them. Currently, I have the dogs on lockdown. Hearing them come through the doggie door and not knowing what may or may not be in there mouth is just way too much for my control freak personality.
Ross gets totally huge props for the "perfect form" in sending Amanda down the slide. Feel free to invite RJ over to join you. He has been begging for the Pirates of the Carribean slide but we don't have any grass!
good to see you're supporting my company with Nathan's mad professional slip-n-slide skilz
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