Monday, May 12, 2008

Social Faux Pas

Looks like I'm gonna have to have a chat with AK... probably via cell phone....And ugh... I hate it when people just wear these around town all day, like they are expecting an urgent phone call from the White House or something. It's not a piece of jewelry....


Cindy said...

Oh thank you. I'm so glad I'm not alone in my hatred of those things. I think it looks like they're on the crew of the Enterprise. Beam me up, Scotty.

stacy said...

I DISLOVE those stupid things. (Ryan says I have to stop saying "hate" so much.) They drive me crazy. When I see people wearing them I want to ask them if they know how silly they look. What can't wait that people must wear them? Drives me nuts! End of tangent.

Cimblog (tm) said...

Um...I love to wear mine in the car...but NEVER wear it out of the car. Does that make me a bad person?

stacy said...

In car wearing is acceptable for safety reasons. I can't tell you how many times I yell at people driving while talking on the phone. I am a multi-tasker and can do it quite efficiently. When I see people ignoring the road to focus on their phone, I become enraged.