Monday, November 17, 2008

Madamoiselle, it's the school....

On Friday, while in the homestretch of prepping for my Ya Ya Retreat... I get a phone call from the school. "Madamoiselle, it's the school. It's regarding Mr. Boy. He swallowed a rock." *sigh* The joys of motherhood. The rest of the afternoon was spent trying to assess the situation with the doc. It took a lot of detective work to figure out the size and shape of the ingested Rock. The rock was STOLEN from his teacher's desk, so there was some trepidation in admitting the truth. Then trying to figure out if the wheezing was a trapped rock or an asthmatic episode.
This morning, when we went to school and were able to see where he got the rock, I grabbed another one to put in his scrapbook as his "First ingested object". Hopefully, it will be his last. We were relieved to find the size was about half of what we had thought. Phew. I have enjoyed hearing from nurses, friends, and family all the stories of "This one time my (kid, brother, sister, cousin) swallowed a ______." The stories have made me laugh. Let the record show, that this story and all of it's embarrassing details that I won't post here, will be used for blackmail or humiliation purposes when Mr. Boy is older.

Sometimes, it's knowing that "One day I will look back and laugh hysterically at this...." is the only thing that gets you through those sticky motherhood moments.


Brooke said...

Fun, fun, fun...I'm just wondering if you've recovered the ORIGINAL yet :)

Mary said...

So, do you get to search his turd? Has he passed the "stone" yet?

Cimblog (tm) said...

Yeah, so see.....he's trying to look all cute to get away with it. It's not working on Auntie cimblog(tm)...just so you know.

[sending another box of latex gloves]

Anonymous said...

That kid clearly has a bright future as a drug mule.

Cimblog (tm) said...

W O R D !!!