Friday, November 18, 2011

Dear Fox News,

Dear Fox News, 
I think it's great that I finally found someone who is excited by the deer as much as I am.   People tend to call me, "The crazy deer lady" and it gets a bit lonely when you are the only one who is passionate about something.  I also think it's great that you love my house and the "back 40". Isn't amazing to have this oasis in Los Angeles?  It's so serene and pretty.  I know, I think I'm really lucky too.  
 Here's the thing, maybe next time you want to come and do a "live shot" of the hillside and deer ambling by, maybe you can leave your helicopter at home?   At least once a week, I am awoken to what sounds like a Helicopter landing on top of my house.  I'm not really a morning person, and so when I stumble out to let the puppy out,  I don't really like feeling like I'm walking into a hurricane.  The puppy can't really focus on "doing her business" when she is terrified she is going to fly away, can you blame her?   
It makes everyone grouchy, because it's a house of non-morning people. I'm sorry that I always give you obscene gestures, it's just not my favorite way to start the day.   Plus, as Rupert's manager isn't he entitled to some Royalties from using him as your live shot for the weather?   Have your people call Rupert's people and I'm sure we can work something out.   
The Mademoiselle of the Chalet 
aka Rupert's Management
PS It's the last day to enter Quite Contrary Mary's  Faux-Prah's Favorite things giveaway.  A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is one of my very favorite books and she is giving it away.   Yesterday, Mr. Boy and I hit our favorite store for some goodies for next week's giveaway.  I can't wait!

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